Equity Team Study

The following is a summary of a study I conducted on Equity Teams for a course on Social Justice Teaching, December 2020. Inquiry Design The purpose of my inquiry was to survey Equity Team (social justice committee) leaders in the Seattle region to understand: How they perceive equity work to be progressing especially regarding […]

This hashtag was shared on twitter during election season 2020 inspired by a politician that could not pronounce Kamala Harris’ name and turned it into a laugh line at a rally. In each post on the twitter thread, people of color again reminded that it is a basic form of respect to learn to speak someone’s […]
Us and Them – Tokenism and Tourism in My Music Classroom

I’ve been taking a class on Social Justice in Education and in a discussion thread on “Structural Obstacles’ a few colleagues were discussing the idea tokenism in staffing, i.e. schools who were superficially addressing the lack of BIPOC voices on committees or leadership positions by assigning one token Black or Brown person and calling it a day. The […]