Writings from a Citizen Activist

On January 20, 2017, I joined my neighbors and jumped into gear.  I knew that so much of what I cared about in my country would be under threat from the new federal administration and their collaborators at the State and local levels. So as not to get overwhelmed, I made a choice to narrow my focus to one area of concern – the Environment and Climate Change.

I worked with local activists to provide a convenient way that our friends, neighbors and concerned citizens at large could participate in environmental advocacy, too. The result was a series of sample comment scripts to be liberally used for contacting their elected leaders or agencies during open public comment periods. I learned a ton working on these comment scripts.

We created a couple of campaigns that I am very proud of: Your Daily Docket – EPA Regulatory Reform Sample Comment Scripts for the Savvy Citizen (to be used during open a 3-week open comment period in 2017) and Protect Antiquities USA – Our Treasure, Our Future (writings in support of National Parks and Monuments under threat by the Federal Department of the Interior).

Our sample comment scripts were published on social media as well as on a website I created for our environmental activism. Much of the writing was my own and will be re-posted here on this site.  Stay tuned!